Letter to local supermarkets

Dear Sir/Madam (Or local manager’s name if you can obtain it.)   Please do not stock substandard US food imports. I will not buy them. I understand that the Government is refusing to maintain the food safety regulations we now enjoy, in order to open the UK market to a deal with the U.S....

No to No Deal 2020 – cartoon materials

Cartoon links you might like: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/picture/2016/oct/30/brexit-a-sinister-fairytale https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/picture/2019/aug/24/no-deal-brexit-the-fourth-horseman-of-the-apocalypse-cartoon https://encompass-europe.com/cartoons#cartoon-10 http://www.cliffhague.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=287:brexit-a-blow-to-the-european-planning-community&Itemid=162 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/picture/2020/apr/18/after-coronavirus-a-no-deal-brexit-cartoon https://www.richardcorbett.org.uk/fun/brexit-comedy/image11/ https://www.bestcartoons.net/Client-Area/Various-Pics-and-Cartoons/Various-Cartoons-8/i-gNG5NND/A https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/picture/2019/aug/19/martin-rowson-on-labours-opposition-to-a-no-deal-brexit-cartoon https://anticap.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/181652_600.jpg https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/04/project-fantasy-german-exam-question-debates-brexit-reality#img-1 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/picture/2020/feb/01/we-got-brexit-done-cartoon#img-17 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/picture/2019/dec/21/a-new-golden-age-for-boris-johnsons-brexit-cartoon#img-23 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/picture/2020/feb/08/if-there-was-an-oscar-for-boris-johnsons-performance-cartoon#img-16 https://i.redd.it/gc8b985risi31.jpg...

B to B stickers


Bollocks to Brexit Minis – for your campaign events

EU Flag Mafia ‘Bollocks to Brexit’-badged minicars availability for local pre-election events 1. EU Flag Mafia is an established UKPEN-linked grassroots pro-EU, anti-Brexit group. 2. EU Flag Mafia now have 2 ‘Bollocks to Brexit’-badged bright yellow minicars available to visit towns, cities & universities 3. The aim is to create election 2019 campaigning events working...

Letters to the Editor – Trevor F

This election is becoming the first British Trump campaign, with the conservatives pushing a manipulative politics with a marked lack of media scrutiny. The letter below was originally intended to be sent as a round robin to the Guardian for publication but did not initially attract sufficient support. If you are happy to sign...

Letter to the Editor – Walsall template

Three main points for any letter to the press: Johnson will not get Brexit done The 2016 referendum was not democratic Why we need to stay in the EU Suggested framework text – put your own group’s or your own individual slant on it if you like, including recommending tactical voting, and perhaps which...

Group letter to Corbyn and Swinson

Grassroots letter to JC and JS final signed PS 21 11 2019 Including signatures added after sending Thursday 21 November   Press update: Grassroots for Europe Press update 1 14 11 2019 Grassroots letter to Jeremy Corbyn and Jo Swinson final signed Wednesday 13 November See also PRESS RELEASE – Grassroots letter to Corbyn...

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