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Shine through the Darkness! Town squares across the UK & London Eye

31/01/2020 @ 23:00 pm - 02/02/2020 @ 23:00 pm

On 31/01 show that Farage and Johnson are not the only UK. Stand up for humanity, solidarity, peace and the next generation!

About this Event

LIST OF EVENTS AND ACTIONS for thanks, friendship, solidarity, protest and hope, 30th Jan-2nd Feb (organised independently, please send details of others to be listed to our.future.our.say@gmail.com)


sign the open letter "see EU again soon" , before Jan 30th

show solidarity and friendship with a shared meal: A Table for Europe


(Please sign petition asking the Mayor to give a space and ensure safety)

1. “Shine through the Darkness/ Sardines 4 Solidarity” 31st Jan 10-11.30pm TBC Jubilee Gardens and along the Thames near Westminster Bridge:

"Imagine that the main news footage of January 31st is not Farage's financier chums quaffing champagne in Parliament Square or Johnson bragging from Downing Street, but instead the lasting image becomes that of thousands of young people and allies turning out to stand up for rights and solidarity. Thousands of phone torches shimmer beside the Thames and thousands of keys jingle, symbolising that we WILL unlock our future from Brexit's toxic legacy. If it can be done in Bologna, Budapest, Warsaw or Prague, why not London? "

2. TBC Rally to Rejoin the EU 31st Jan 10.30-11.59pm

3. A bientot/ See you soon 31st Jan 2-3.30pm procession Downing Street-St John Smith Square

4. Mayor's Event for European Londoners on Brexit Day 31st Jan 5-8pm City Hall


Bakewell: "Forever European" 31st Jan 8-11pm, Bakewell Town Hall

Bournemouth: Shine a Light for Our Rights, Bournemouth 31st Jan 10-11.30pm, The Square, Bournemouth

Brighton & Hove: Shine a Light for Europe 31st Jan 6pm, The Peace Statue, Hove

Canterbury: Quiet Vigil at the Buttermarket 4-30 to 5-30

Cardiff: Vigil for Peace in Europe 31st Jan 6.15-6.45pm, Cenotaph, Alexandra Gardens, Pro-EU Flash Mob 1st Feb arrive 10.45am

Cheltenham: Light a candle for Europe 31st Jan 10:30-11-15pm, 47 Promenade.

1 Feb Cheltenham :  walk up Cleeve Hill, followed by the planting of an EU flag. The walk starts at 2 p.m. 

Chester: silent demonstration,1st Feb 11am, Chester Town Hall

Dunfermline: Forever European street stall Feb 1st 10-12am, the High Street

Edinburgh: Brexit Day Protest Rally and Vigil 31st Jan 6-11pm Holyrood

Exeter: Exeter #StillEuropean flag-wave/mini march  

Glasgow: Leave the Light on for Scotland 31st Jan 10.30-11pm Donald Dewar statue

Harrogate: Thank EU for Being Here 31st Jan 7.30-11.15pm (get-together to thank EU27 local residents with a meal and music)

Ipswich: 11pm 31 Jan candlelit vigil at Cornhill, preceded by shared meal with EU food  https://www.facebook.com/events/ipswich-town-hall-corn-exchange/eu-exit-vigil-31st-january-2020/2538346769770787/

Liverpool: Keeping the EU Alive in Liverpool get-together

Newcastle: Vigil for Europe: a good thing never truly dies 31st Jan 10.30-11.15pm Civic Centre

Oxford: Proud to be European. Candlelight vigil outside Town Hall 6:45pm. Public meeting, Town Hall 7:30-9:30
 10.45-11:00 torch and phone light vigil,  Bonn Square. Check site for final details. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/proud-to-be-european-tickets-90309761929

Perth: Leaving the EU- mourning our loss

Stirling: Keep the Light on for Europe 31st Jan 4-6pm, King Street

St Andrews: Forever European street stall, 1st Feb 10-12am, St. Mary’s Place

Stratford: Thank EU and Au Revoir 31st Jan 6.45-7.15pm, The Swan Fountain, RSC

Truro: Get-together and Vigil 31st Jan

Wells cathedral Vigil at 10:30pm

West Lancashire celebration of EU evening with European food and drinks. Mourning starts on Feb 1st, wearing black

Winchester: Shine a Light for Our Rights, Winchester 31st Jan 5-5.30pm Ramble Up to St Catherine's Hill 2nd Feb 1.45-3.45pm.

York and Selby for Europe are holding a European Friendship Supper.

PS it goes without saying that in these times the far right are emboldened and on 31/01 there may be a number of drunken Nazis celebrating who could attack people with flags they don’t like, speaking languages they don’t like, or obviously of a religious or racial group they don’t like. If you fear to go out because of them then you let them limit your freedom through their aggression, but it’s worth being careful. You know your area, you may want to consider moving about in company, avoiding certain places, and being mindful not to engage in any interaction that could become confrontational.

This page is a citizen to citizen call-out. There is no organisation behind it. But if you share the hope, then share this as widely as you can, and register to get further info nearer the time. Let's follow the example of Sardines Against Salvini and movements across Europe. Let’s gather together and show the world :

OUR SOLIDARITY with all who are being scapegoated, dispossessed and intimidated under the current politics of “deceive, divide and rule”.

OUR DETERMINATION to resist the Brexit programme of deregulation and exploitation, defend our NHS, and restore all economic, social and citizenship rights being taken from us.

OUR RECOGNITION that - more people voted for progressive parties than for the Johnson-Cummings regime - only 1 in 9 UK young people currently aged 16-38 voted for Brexit whereas twice as many voted against it* - Johnson is pushing ahead despite Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales refusing consent.

OUR HOPE that eventually our country will reunite with our neighbours in working for human dignity, solidarity, peace and cooperation, and in fighting together against real threats such as climate change.

ITALIAN SARDINES: https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/boris-johnson-nationalism-salvini-far-right-italy-sardines-protest-a9270976.html%3famp

CZECH KEYS: https://theshiftnews.com/2018/03/20/the-jingling-of-the-keys/

*Estimate based on 0% of 16-21 year-olds and 2/3 of 22-38 year olds having been registered to vote in 2016, of which a little less than 2/3 turned out to vote in the referendum. Amongst those that voted in the referendum those at the time aged 18-24 voted 27% Leave against 73% Remain, and those aged 25-34 voted 38% Leave against 62% Remain.

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