Student Voter info

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Student Voter info (

This site is designed to help student voters to use their vote where it can have the most impact.

Where do your recommendations come from?

We looked at votes in the 2017 election to identify how marginal each seat is - that is, how narrow the margin of victory is between the winning candidate and the candidate in second place.

Vote numbers for all parties are declared and published by the Returning Officer in each constituency. We took the consolidated results from the House of Commons Library.

Where there’s been a by-election since 2017 we’ve used the data from the more recent poll.

How does it work?

Check your home and university postcodes. Our database will show which of the two is more marginal - that is, where your vote will have more impact.

You can use this information to decide whether to use your vote against an MP you don’t agree with, or ensure one you support is returned.

Are you Labour/Tories/Liberal Democrats?

The team behind this site support different political parties. We’re all pro-Remain though, and we want to see students using their votes wisely at this election. However, this site is non-partisan. It just tells you how marginal your two options are so you can choose to vote tactically where it matters if you wish.



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