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Brexit Institute at Dublin City University

Discussion with keynote speaker Viviane Reding, former Vice President of the European Commission in charge of Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship. In light of the recent European Commission adequacy decisions on UK law and their attempt to alter policy on cookies, we are extremely fortunate to be able to feature former Commissioner Reding, who was the champion of the EU data protection law: the General Data Protection Regulation. The panel discussion is moderated by noted tech journalist Karlin Lillington (The Irish Times) and will feature speakers including Mike Harris (Grant Thornton) Orla Lynseky (London School of Economics) and Edoardo Celeste (DCU).

The event is organized in cooperation with the DCU Law Research Centre and the Cross Border Data Protection Network, funded by the ESRC-IRC UK-Ireland Networking GrantThe event is organized in cooperation with the DCU Law Research Centre and the Cross Border Data Protection Network, funded by the ESRC-IRC UK-Ireland Networking Grant.


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