Voices for a Better Deal – The campaign – overview for RT[1]
Extract from Grassroots for Europe letter of 15 November:
Voices for a Better Deal is a new grassroots-inspired campaign working to get a hearing for voices from UK business, industry and society which are calling for a better deal between the UK and the EU.
The campaign, and Grassroots for Europe, were both referred to in Will Hutton’s article in today’s Observer newspaper: “Is Britain really about to embrace chaos and misery for the sake of Brexit dogma?” About us, Will says:
“Grassroots for Europe, a network of 200 pro-EU groups around the country, is trying, to its credit, to raise the salience at the last with its Voices for a Better Deal social media campaign, highlighting the concerns of business, finance, university, science and trade union leaders. It’s a commentary on our times that before a national emergency there is no sustained, high-profile effort to sound the tocsin. In its absence, this is the best we can do.”
You can read the article in full here:
Despite having only just launched, the campaign has already managed to get statements by the Chief Exec of the British Ceramics Confederation, the President of the Royal Society and the Director General of the National Farmers Union. More voices are being added daily. But, we need your help!
If you have contacts, either at local or national level, with the leaders of businesses or trade bodies who would be willing to speak out to explain the urgent necessity for the UK economy of agreeing a strong trade deal with the EU, please put them in touch with the Voices for a Better Deal campaign team.
Please also follow, share and retweet the campaign on Twitter (@VoicesDeal) and use the hashtag #Voices4ABetterDeal.
For further information, please contact Colin Gordon of Oxford for Europe, who is leading this campaign.