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Toolbox Category: GE 2019 Aftermath
All about UKPEN – poster
UKPEN at GfE final Poster used for the GfE conference 25 January 2020...
All about UKPEN
All about the UK pro final2 A state of play statement from UKPEn for the GfE conference 25 January 2020....
Tech for UK – Mike Butcher statement December 2019
20 December 2019 at 12:58 reproduced with permission. View this email in your browser Tech For UK – A message to our community Firstly: After resting for a while over the break, we’d like to get everyone together for a reflective Meetup. Please sign up here. There is also a separate “election Tech” Meetup...
Kelly keeping tabs on Johnson and Europe
This is one of a new series of initiatives where individuals maintain a shared reference source, in this case keeping track of Johnson’s statements and variations of position on Europe. Click to view, and apply to edit.
A call to arms – Naomi Smith, Best for Britain
This is a call to arms. The time for tribalism is over. Disengagement with civil society or cynicism about politics is not the answer. An internationalist alliance between people, and between parties, is vital. I encourage all of you, if you haven’t already, to join the party that best represents your values. I...
People’s Vote/Open Britain position statement
Friday 13 December 2019 at 14:34 Hi , We want to pay tribute to the millions of People’s Vote supporters who have worked tirelessly to demand that their voices are heard. Since the election was called, tens of thousands of grassroots campaigners have mobilised all over the country. With record donations and hundreds of...