Plenty are pointing out that the buffoon will be in Scotland but don't let that put you off! Check the latest state of play on Steve's Twitter: .
Here's the announcements:
Aug 16th: Two days of protest at Chequers 18th & 19th August. A Corrupt government has no place of sanctuary or holiday in our country. Join us for the start of united nationwide action.
Aug 14th: United Kingdom : World leaders in imposing economic & social disaster on itself. The corrupt government have to be stopped. It can't be clearer, the politicians & political system have failed all. It is down to us now. Good luck. #NationwideActionNow
Aug 14th:
Are you a student? Fed up with being screwed by corrupt Conservative politicians? Anti government protest in Buckinghamshire 18 and 19th August. Details to follow shortly. #HoldThemToAccount