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Richmond Terrace, Whitehall, Westminster SW1P 2A

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Richmond Terrace, Whitehall, Westminster
London, SW1P 2A United Kingdom


On Friday 31st January, Come and join me to say goodbye to our old friend. Be happy for the times shared, sad for the times we'll part, and express yourself and your love for the friendship we've had and hope to have again one day soon.

With the permission and co-operation of The London Metropolitan Police I invite you all to join me in a procession from Downing Street to The European Commission in St. John Smith Square.

We will be congregating at Richmond Terrace opposite Downing Street from 2.30pm. We will promptly set off at 3pm in an orderly procession along the pavement making our way to St. John Smith Square following the route a ministerial car would take and as in the diagram below.

If there are any instrumentalists perhaps you could bring your instrument to accompany us singing "Ode to Joy" once there and some other songs. (Yet to be announced).

This is not a march but an orderly and peaceful procession to bid a very fond farewell for now, to our dear and much appreciated friends from all of us who will fight to rejoin our family of nations in the EU as soon as possible.

There will be a Facebook page launched soon for the event entitled, À Bientôt EU, see you soon

I look forward to seeing you all on the day. I can think of no better way to mark this day than to honour and thank all the staff at The European Commission, for this will also be their last day in office.

It is not the end, it is but a pause in time for we know that one day we will be together again.

As Winston Churchill wanted, We think as much of being European as of belonging to our native land and this is how it shall stay from this day forth.

Peter French.
17 January 2020.

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