September 2019
Another Europe is Possible: Remain Reform Revolt
Brexit is a nightmare made by the political establishment. It’s an attack on working class people and our communities. It’s suffocating our politics and poisoning our society.
We can end this nightmare and transform Britain instead. By fighting together, we can win decent homes and jobs for everyone. We can replace racism and division with hope and solidarity. By using and reforming structures like the EU, we can get international Green New Deal to save the planet and tackle inequality.
Only a message of hope and solidarity can beat Brexit, and we aren’t waiting for a public vote to happen. We’re starting the campaign now.
Join us for our Southampton event to discuss:
Where we are with the Brexit process, and how can we stop it?
What does Remain and Transform entail?
What are our key issues (climate change, workers rights, migrant rights) and how we talk about these with people we are looking to convince?
Who are our allies across borders and how we work together more effectively?
What is our vision for Europe?
How do we build a truly inclusive movement?
This will be a participatory meeting with a mix of well-known speakers and grassroots organisers as we aim to build capacity and confidence in our network of supporters. So whether you are an experienced campaigner or not - join us and find out how you can be part of the movement to stop Brexit and transform Britain instead.
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