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The Institute

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High Street
Leatherhead, KT22 8AH United Kingdom

19.00 for 19.30 at The Institute, High Street, Leatherhead   KT22 8AH

Katharine Pons runs training courses in business strategy and leadership; she is an

actress and has a French husband. She speaks fluent French and Italian.

She  will unpick how people’s beliefs have been formed around Brexit and how we can build the life skills necessary to thrive in the uncertainty of our politico-social climate, and how to understand others when talking with them.

This is aimed at both UK citizens and  EU citizens living in this country.

Free, but £5 donation suggested.

Park in Swan Centre, Leatherhead, KT22 8AH (5 minutes' walk).

Seats are limited so please pre-book below to reserve your place:


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