UKPEN Central Toolbox

Find the ideas, the advice, the resources and the playbooks that our movement has come up with here:

Happening Now

Regional Toolboxes

The Regional Toolboxes can be found by exploring the map to the right. They contain region-specific information, tools and resources that you may find useful. London currently is the only active toolbox, other regions await local groups to fill them out.

S (Under Construction)
Northern Ireland NI (Under Construction)
North East PENET (Awaiting local take-up)
North West PENWET (Awaiting local take-up)
Yorkshire and the Humber YOHPET (Awaiting local take-up)
Wales PEWIT (Awaiting local take-up)
West Midlands PEWMIT (Awaiting local take-up)
East Midlands EM (Under Construction)
East of England PEET (Awaiting local take-up)
South East PRESET (Awaiting local take-up)
London PELT (Active)
South West PESWET (Awaiting local take-up)

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.